The protocols below are written for students, but the same protocols are in effect for Waynflete employees. All policies are subject to change or be updated as new data and information arises. If an individual is feeling ill, please follow the appropriate protocol below. Contact with any questions.
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Individuals who have been exposed to Covid
Wear a well-fitted, high-quality KN95-type mask indoors for 5–7 days following exposure.
Monitor symptoms
Individuals must monitor carefully for symptoms and stay home and test if not feeling well, even if your symptoms are mild.
Test frequently for Covid. We recommend testing daily if possible each morning before school. Please contact the health team if you have a challenge acquiring tests.
Return to school when at least 24 hours has passed since the individual tested positive AND:
The individual’s symptoms are significantly resolved, and they are feeling healthy
They do not have a fever and have been diarrhea/vomiting-free for 24 hours without the use of medication
Individuals are REQUIRED to wear a well-fitting KN95-type mask for five days once they return to school. To reduce the risk of further transmission, we highly encourage masking through resolution of symptoms or day 10 from testing positive.
Individuals who are experiencing respiratory illness including symptoms of flu, RSV, or Covid
Test If symptoms warrant, consider testing for Covid, flu, strep, or other illnesses.
Monitor symptoms The individual may return to school if ALL the following conditions are met:
Able to tolerate a whole day of school and participate in all activities
It has been 24 hours since the last episode of vomiting or diarrhea
Fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications
Able to eat and drink
If an individual requires antibiotics, return to school is dependent on Maine State requirements. Contact to confirm when your student can return to school.